How-to Library

Thank you for your role in making the New Zealand patient experience survey possible. To support our users in their roles we have created a few short videos and guides to walk you through common questions.

On this page you will find:
  • An introduction the portals for the New Zealand patient experience survey programme
  • Data collection portal how-to
    • How-to guides for users
    • How-to guides for superusers
  • Reporting portal how-to
    • Webinar recording
    • Guide


The New Zealand patient experience survey programme is run by the New Zealand Health Safety and Quality Commission (the Commission) since 2014. It consists of three regular surveys, the adult primary care patient experience survey (APCS), the adult hospital inpatient experience survey (AHS-I) and the adult hospital outpatient experience survey (AHS-O).
For more information please visit the Commission’s website.
You will also find the survey timetables on the Commission's website.

Survey examples available on the Commission's Patient experience website;
- adult hospital inpatient experience survey
- adult hospital outpatient experience survey
- adult primary care patient experience survey

The survey provider, Ipsos, has built two portals to support the sector in preparing for the survey and looking at the results.

Landing page with links to both portals. Please bookmark this URL: 

Data collection portal
  • Upload patient sample files (districts only)
  • Select practices to participate in the upcoming survey wave (PHOs only)
  • Update practice information
  • Moderate open-ended comments before their publication to the reporting portal
  • Respond to contact requests from patients
  • Monitor response rates
  • Download raw data in excel
  • Add users within your organisation (Superusers only)
Reporting portal
  • View survey results
  • Use data exploration tool to create customized tables
  • Download results

Data collection portal

The administration behind the survey programme is done in the data collection portal. You can login to this portal here.

How-to guides for users
How-to guides for superusers

Reporting portal

The reporting portal is where you can access your survey results. You can access the Reporting portal here.  Please refer to the F.A.Q. page for more information on how the results have been rebased.

Recorded Webinars
  • NEW Reporting portal webinar and training session_May 2021 recording
  • Q&A of the Reporting portal webinar and training session_May 2021
How-to videos (Updated videos for the NEW Reporting Portal will be available soon)

How-to guide for users

Survey reference period - Resources

You can now order flyers / posters from the Commission's website here.

Adult primary care survey - promotional image
Existing example communications include:
1. The patient flyers available on the Commission’s website

2. A draft message to share online through social media
We want to hear your views!
Over the next few weeks you may receive an email or text message inviting you to take part in a patient experience survey about your recent experience at [practice name]. By taking part in the survey, you would be helping to improve the care you and your whānau receive, as well as care and access to health services in local communities across New Zealand. Taking part in the survey is voluntary and anonymous. Please ensure the contact details we have for you are up to date. This can be done by contacting [practice name] reception.

Adult hospital survey - promotional image
Existing example communications include:
1. The patient flyers available on the Commission’s website 

2. A draft message to share online through social media:
Over the next few weeks you may receive an email or text message inviting you to take part in a patient experience survey about your recent experience at [hospital name] if you stayed overnight with us between [date 1] and [date 2]. By taking part in the survey, you would be helping to improve the care you and your whānau receive, as well as care and access to health services in local communities across New Zealand. Taking part in the survey is voluntary and anonymous. Please ensure the contact details we have for you are up to date. This can be done by contacting [hospital name] reception.
[If you don’t receive the survey, but still want to give feedback please get in touch with us by [preferred mode of contact].]


Adult Hospital Survey
Adult Primary Care Survey


Available on the Commission's website here.